Dreamt Light

If ever it were a dream,

I’d relive it not,

As the point of having one is to not relive it,

Will I be here?
Will I be you ?
Will I be me?

Or will you be me?

Why not be all at once?

After all, it’s you and I ,

You and I,

You and I that made up this universe.

I saw stars glimmer as brightly as the crown,

I was quite near the end of its edge,

If you asked whether it burnt me or not,

You’d not get an answer,

As It’s not the sort of question that needs to be answered,

The edge of the star was just meant to be seen,

All that glimmers within is not to be seen,

But to be felt & only felt.

I ask again in a different correlative question:

Do you think it’s a dream ?

Even if it is,

It doesn’t matter,

Nor did it ever.

If we all share the same energy within,

Then there’s no burning sensation meant to be felt,

So keep dreaming this everlasting effulgent dream.


-Othello D. Gomes

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